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EUGES presents GeTinVET during European conference 🌍✨ “Erasmus+ Building a sustainable future” in Marseille/France 🇫🇷, day 2/2

The second day 🗓️ of the European conference in Marseille focused on the implementation of various workshops 🛠️📘 such as:
• “Teaching and training in agro-ecology with Erasmus+” 🌾📚
• “Supporting the impact of the ecological transition on careers and guidance with Erasmus+” 🌍💼
• “Development of climate and sustainability competences: Greencomp and its use in Erasmus+ projects” 🌱🌍🧠

The offer of workshops was supplemented by:
• “Erasmus+: Shaping European citizens for climate challenges” 🌏🧑‍🤝‍🧑
• “Raising awareness of climate change” 🌡️🌿

Following the working phase ⚙️💡, feedback was obtained from the workshops 📝💬 before the participants present were bid farewell 👋 with the closing remarks 🎤✨. [Mehr lesen…]

EUGES - 15:39:59 @ Allgemein | Kommentar hinzufügen

EUGES presents GeTinVET during European conference 🌍✨ “Erasmus+ Building a sustainable future” in Marseille/France 🇫🇷, day 1/2

Today our consultant Stefan Homeyer joined the European conference in Marseille. [Mehr lesen…]

EUGES - 15:38:07 @ Allgemein | Kommentar hinzufügen


EU-GES in Caen, France participating in the project PLAN - Day 2

The Department for EU Projects in Vocational Education (EU-GES) is associated partner in the ERASMUS+ project Pedagogy and Learning in agile Networks - Design Thinking and Scrum at schools as places of learning processes (PLAN). [Mehr lesen…]

EUGES - 12:09:27 @ Allgemein | Kommentar hinzufügen

EU-GES in Caen, France participating in the project PLAN

The Department for EU Projects in Vocational Education (EU-GES) is associated partner in the ERASMUS+ project Pedagogy and Learning in agile Networks - Design Thinking and Scrum at schools as places of learning processes (PLAN). [Mehr lesen…]

EUGES - 12:06:22 @ Allgemein | Kommentar hinzufügen

GeTinVET - Green Transition in Vocational Education and Training - internal meeting

Heute bieten wir euch einen kleinen Einblick hinter die Kulissen unserer Projektarbeit:
🎥👀🛠️📋✅📈 Neben den transnationalen Meetings sind auch interne Arbeitstreffen, wie hier am Beispiel von GeTinVET, für eine erfolgreiche Projektplanung und -durchführung von enormer Bedeutung. [Mehr lesen…]

EUGES - 10:30:25 @ Allgemein | Kommentar hinzufügen

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