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Equity – 3rd Transnational Meeting - Virtual Preparation 2022-04-01

ERASMUS+ Project EQUITY - equal opportunities and inclusion in vocational education and training for young refugees and migrants - Virtual Meeting 1st April 2022

The aim of EQUITY, a project run by the EU-Geschäftsstelle Köln / The Department for EU Projects in Vocational Education, is to exchange experience with the successful inclusion of refugees and migrants from all over Europe, to combine best practices and to use synergy effects to develop a holistic pedagogical strategy for successful inclusion. On this basis, different modules and a toolkit for practical use will be developed with the aim of making young people active members of civil societies and providing them with a successful pathway into working life. At the same time, teachers will be supported to better deal with diversity and integration and to learn from each other on a European level.

23 participants from the project institutions located in Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Spain and Sweden that are representing education, training, social and community sectors discussed on the virtual meeting the state of play of the different modules and presented the first results. Furthermore there have been an introduction into the next working package. Dissemination activities like new Project Website and Social Media have been presented and planned. Afterwards the administrative part and information the working groups split into Breakout Rooms and further planned their activities.

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