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EU-GES reached Bilbao – Project IN-DI - Inclusion and Diversity in all Fields of Education

The Department for EU Projects in Vocational Education (EU-GES) is cooperating in the ERASMUS+ project Inclusion and Diversity in all Fields of Education (In-Di). 

EU-GES reached Bilbao. Thorsten Noelle and David Feldhaus from Geschwister-Scholl Vocational College in Leverkusen met with 11 other European partners from 6 European countries in a school in Basque country. Students of the first level of the school named Angeles Custodios Ikastetxea  in Bilbao, Spain presented self prepared food and have been very proud to inform European audience about nutrition facts of the offered food.

In the meeting all results of national questionnaires – about 1000 - have been presented and compared. The consortium analysed the results. In most countries the focus of students answering obstacles of well-being – the precondition for feeling safe and being able to learn – are stressful ones like to many exams, too less time for learning processes, lacks in structure and organization and teachers` and students` attitudes. Solutions by students to change learning atmosphere to a higher degree of well-being are more friendly environment, more participation, closer relationships between tutors/teachers to students and a safe class atmosphere. 
The main goal of the project is to support teachers, school leaders and other educational professions in the field of inclusion and well-being. Good practices will be shared and adopted in their own teaching. Based on a research part analyzing the aspects of inclusion and well-being, a guide of good practices and tools will be created.

Marina Kittler - 10:39:10 @ Allgemein | Kommentar hinzufügen

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