Competence Matrixes
The competence matrixes serve as instruments to describe the competence changes with regard to Working World 4.0 in a clearly arranged way one the one side for students/staff in companies and on the other side the resulting requirement for additional competences of teachers and trainers.
The matrixes are based on changes in real working processes but with regard to their practical use, the presentation in a matrix is the result of abstraction and generalization.
The matrix for teachers and trainers focusses on necessary digital competences in relationship to core working fields for teachers, e.g. planning and designing learning processes or improving (digital) communication and cooperation.
Both matrixes can be used in order to analyse individual actual states and to deduce the need of improvement and further education as well as to prioritise or focus on certain learning/development needs and to develop strategies for training as a whole.
German version: Competence_Matrix_Students_DE.pdf (205,6 KB)
English version: Competence_Matrix_Students_EN.pdf (210 KB)
German version: Competence_Matrix_Teachers_DE.pdf (112,4 KB)
English version: Competence_Matrix_Teachers_EN.pdf (168,4 KB)
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