PRODIGE - PROmote DIGitalisation for Education & training
Project Reference : 2020-1-FR01-KA226-VET-095601 - Programme Erasmus+ key action 2 Strategic Partnership
Duration: 24 months (June 2021 – May 2023)
Today, the labour market presents several challenges due to the changing demands of a more globalised and intercultural world and the increasing mobility of the workforce. The internationalisation of education and training systems is seen as the crucial response to provide young people with key competences that focus on citizenship and interculturality. The European Commission has called on Member States to modernise and improve their education and training systems in order to increase the percentage of apprentices and students in vocational education and training who participate in learning mobility. Unfortunately, the financial constraints of EU programmes and school budgets only allow a handful of students to participate in a mobility experience each year. New ways need to be found to bring Europe closer to students locally by introducing more internationalisation at home.
Furthermore, the internationalisation process that VET centres have been working on for the last ten years has been severely affected by the COVID 19 pandemic as of March 2020. The physical mobility of VET students has been severely weakened due to the lack of a common policy and widespread restrictions on transnational travel across the European Union (OECD, 2020). VET providers need new competences and tools to implement virtual mobility, blended mobility and the promotion of Internationalisation at Home (I@h) processes.
Given this context, the general objective of the project is to strengthen the European dimension of VET centres, which are today strongly affected by the circumstances created by the COVID 19 pandemic, by improving their internationalisation strategies thanks to the use of digital tools and the development of teachers' digital competences.
The specific objectives are:
The project has been officially launched with the kick off meeting on the 17th and 23rd June 2021 which was held online.
PRODIGE will allow 6 partners from 5 different EU countries to work together for 2 years with the common goal of strengthening the European dimension of VET centres which are strongly affected by the circumstances created by the COVID 19 pandemic.
Partners working together on this project are:
SEPR (France), coordinator of PRODIGE, is a school for professional trainings and counts more than 4000 students. For more than 30 years the school has been implementing an international policy to enhance its mobility and enable each of its students to live an experience abroad.
UNISER (ITALY), is an international co-operative based in Bologna, which supports the internationalisation of educational institutions in Europe. Its core activity is the design and organisation of experiences abroad for schools and training centres wishing to integrate mobility in their curricula, offering internships in Europe both to their learners and staff. This work aims at turning Erasmus into the future of education and training systems to make learning mobility a part of the educational programmes everywhere by facilitating its processes.
EU-Geschäftsstelle - Bezirksregierung Köln (Germany) The department for EU projects in the Cologne Government Regional Office, Germany belongs to the school supervisory division for VET colleges which is responsible for all 57 vocational colleges in the Cologne Region. For these colleges EUGES provides a general service with respect to all questions of European activities and internationalisation strategies.
SCUOLA CENTRALE FORMAZIONE (Italy) is a non-profit organisation recognized by the Ministry of Labour joining together 47 organisations managing 106 VET centres distributed in 11 different regions. SCF works primarily to offer support and an effective coordination to all partners with a specific interest in methodologies, evaluation, innovation and transfer of best practices.
INSTITUT ESTEVE TERRADAS I ILLA (Spain) is a public institution founded in 1975. It is a secondary technical and professional education institute. Ins. Esteve Terradas collaborates with about 250 companies and has about 1600 students and 160 teachers.
LUKSIA (Finland) offers vocational qualifications and tailored personnel training to meet the needs of individuals, private companies and public institutions. Each year Luksia trains approximately 3,000 vocational students for full vocational qualifications, as well as
hundreds of young people and migrants for preparatory vocational training, and adults in short professional courses.
MFR DU BERGERACOIS (France) is a training organisation founded in 1959 specialising in “school-company sandwich courses”. It is an association founded by students’ parents, former students’ parents and tutors. There are 450 MFR in France and more than 1000 around the world.
In this project we cooperate with the National Agency of the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training.
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