Abstract   |  Background  |  Objectives   |  Result: Competence Matrix (Workpackage 2)  |  Result: Sustainable Matrix (Workpackage 3)  |
Result: Training Occupations (Workpackage 4)   |  Result: Learning Modules (Workpackage 5)  |  Partnership   |  Transnational Activities   |
Impact  |  Dissemination

GeTinVET - Result Competence Matrix (WP 2)


Objectives of the work package in detail:

1. Anticipation of future qualification requirements necessary for a holistic view of building complexes and their Europe-wide comprehensible description.

2. To promote the understanding of networked building technology and its potential for initial vocational training.

3. To better exploit the potential to save CO2 in buildings by taking a holistic view of building complexes and clearly describing the competences needed to achieve this.

4. To maximise the use and exploitation of the results of the work package through a simple and clear presentation of the competences required for a holistic view of building complexes (identification of core work processes and competence dimensions in the field of Building Service Engineering).

5. Clarification of important elementary terminology as well as their description to ensure project understanding among each other.

The main results of work package 2 are:

1. "Glossary of Terms": Equal understanding with regard to terminology in the field of activity Building Service Engineering. Before starting to work on the competence matrix, important terms are clarified in order to create a common understanding of the project. These terms will be clearly recorded.


2. Questionnaire for the empirical investigation of the current qualifications in the field of activity Building Service Engineering (Europe-wide). In order to develop a competence description that meets the requirements of professional practice, an empirical investigation is first carried out. When designing the questions, care will be taken to ensure that planners, operators and service providers of building complexes in particular can contribute the qualifications they consider necessary from their operational practice. You can find the results and the analysis of the rersults here:


3. Evaluation and publication of the empirical study (+comments) on the project website.



4. Current competence matrix (VQTS model) including core work processes, steps of competence development as well as a "glossary" of technical terms and notes on the possible uses of the matrix. The current core work processes of the field of activity building service engineering are identified and defined on the vertical level of the competence matrix and the respective current "steps of competence development" are described for each core work process. For greatest possible use instructions are given on how to use the matrix and the respective technical terms are described in a way that is understandable throughout Europe.


5. A commented evaluation on the use of the project results of work package 2.