Abstract  |  Background  |  Objectives  |  Result: Competence Matrix (Workpackage 2)  |  Result: Sustainable Matrix (Workpackage 3)  | 

Result: Training Occupations (Workpackage 4)  |  Result: Learning Modules (Workpackage 5)  |  Partnership  |  Transnational Activities  |

Impact  |  Dissemination


Buildings account for a large proportion of the European Union's energy consumption. At the same time the intelligent
interconnection of technical components of buildings requires more interdisciplinary cooperation than ever before. For this
reason, the classic professions of initial vocational training in the fields of electrical engineering, supply engineering and
construction engineering must be enabled to work together in a networked manner to support also the EU`s climate goals.

The starting point for the activities are two frameworks (One VQTS-competence matrix and one matrix for sustainability
competence in the field of activity of Building Service Engineering) that can be understood throughout Europe, with the help
of which and on the basis of which interdisciplinary learning modules for trainees and further training modules for teachers
will be developed. For this purpose, empirical studies are carried out that explore the requirements of the world of work.

The project will provide an overview of the currently required qualifications for a job in the field of Building Service
Engineering throughout Europe. For this, a current competence matrix and a matrix for substainable thinking and action for
the field of Building Service Engineering will be developed. On this basis interdisciplinary learning modules for
apprenticeships in initial VET and linked to this further training modules for teachers and trainers will be developed in the

In this project we cooperate with the National Agency of the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training.


Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.

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