Abstract  |  Background   |  Objectives  |  Result: Competence Matrix (Workpackage 2)  |  Result: Sustainable Matrix (Workpackage 3)  |
Result: Training Occupations (Workpackage 4)   |  Result: Learning Modules (Workpackage 5)   |  Partnership   |  Transnational Activities   |
Impact  |  Dissemination

GeTinVET - Training Occupations (work package 4)


Below you can get an overview of the "mapped" training programmes. For reasons of clarity, you can find the mapped training programmes under each learning unit. If you click on the link, you will be taken directly to the mapping of the respective training programme.

Overlapping - Overview

Germany: Journeyman's examination in the state-recognized training occupation Electronics technician – specialising in energy and building technology

Germany: Journeyman's examination in the state-recognized training occupation Roofer

Germany: Final examination / journeyman's examination in the state-recognized training occupation - Plant mechanic for sanitary, heating and air conditioning systems

Germany: State recognized technician in the field of building service engineering

Italy: Industrial expert chief technician IT specialist

Spain: Senior technician in maintenance of thermal and fluid installations

Spain: Technician in refrigeration and air conditioning installation

Spain: Basic professional in housing maintenance