
  • Teacher or trainer is able to implement the students’ learning module with his/her own students.
  • Teacher or trainer is able to consider the gained insights for future learning and teaching with digital media.
  • Teacher or trainer is able to analyse the module with regard to learning and teaching.
  • He/she can appraise to which extent the example is suitable for his/her students and where adjustments are necessary.
  • Teacher or trainer is able to practically implement the module and to arrange own 4.0 learning settings.
  • He/she is able to recognize the expected learning achievements.
  • Teacher or trainer is able to use the module in order to increasingly implement digital elements in the class.
  • Teacher or trainer is able to appraise how further digital learning modules can be implemented in his/her school.
  • Teacher or trainer is able to further develop the existing module respectively to develop new modules in this field.

Basic Questions for Revising, Adapting and Developing Modules

Click here to view the 'Basic Quenstions' as pdf document.

Guidelines for the development of new teachers' modules

pdf-document: Guidelines_teachers modules.pdf

docx-document: Guidelines_teachers modules.docx

Learning Modules for Teachers and Trainers

Click here to view the guidelines 'How to handle' as pdf document.

General Teaching Module

This module wants to give a broad introduction into the topic industry 4.0. It wants to sensitize for the implications for teaching, training, working and living in working world 4.0. It comprises several steps which will have to be done by individual, partly digitized, learning as well as by working in a group in order to have an exchange on important topics. After passing it you will be able to create own students’ modules and to decide on the main points these have to focus on.

Click here to view the pdf for 'General teaching Module'.

Click here to view the 'Competences General Module' as a pdf document.

Smart and Keen Company - My Trolley Chip

Rapid product development offers a broad range of applications. A product chain with networked components produces a trolley chip. The devices have been designed and assembled by using a 3D printer. The whole process is explained and can be varied and adapted in this module.

Click here to view the pdf for 'Smart and Keen Company - My Trolley Chip'.

Click here to view the 'Competences Matrix Teachers Vet 4.0' as a pdf document.

Internet of Things - Plant Irrigation

A networked and automated system has been developed at the example of plant irrigation. It also can be controlled by an application which is useful e.g. if you are in holidays. Teachers learn how to implement this by cheap devices and how to organize the learning process of their students.

Click here to view the pdf for 'Internet of Things - Plant Irrigation'.

Click here to view the 'Competences Matrix Teachers Vet 4.0' as a pdf document.

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Intelligent House 4.0 - Smart Light Control

An Intelligent House 4.0 comprises several fields. The issue of this module is to install and integrate smart light control into existing smart home systems. It can easily be adapted to other fields, e.g. smart security control.

Click here to view the pdf for 'Intelligent House 4.0 - Smart Light Control'.

Click here to view the 'Competences Matrix Teachers Vet 4.0' as a pdf document.

Digital Factory for Individualized Mass Products

The production of a customer-oriented mass product includes, from the point of view of production, several areas. The present learning module is subdivided in five section, which is intended to represent the closed process chain of a parameterized product. The product, as a learning support, must be designed customer-oriented as a 3D model. Here, the focus is on the individualization of the product. From this, all further production-related data can be derived (rapid prototyping, CNC and CAM programs), which can be used to manufacture the product. Thus, another focus is on the level of data processing. The concept and various examples can be used as a basis for planning.

Click here to view the pdf for Digital Factory for 'Individualized Mass Products'.

Click here to view the 'Competences Matrix Teachers Vet 4.0' as a pdf document.