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EU-GES invited to virtual preparatory meeting for ERASMUS+ Project EQUITY - equal opportunities and inclusion in vocational education and training for young refugees and migrants

The Department for EU Projects in Vocational Education (EU-GES) has invited 20 participants from project institutions located in Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Spain and Sweden on 22nd September 2022 to prepare the next Transnational Project Meeting in Lille in November 2022 in Lille, France.

The aim of EQUITY, a project run by The Department for EU Projects in Vocational Education /  EU-Geschäftsstelle – Bezirksregierung Köln, is to exchange experience with the successful inclusion of refugees and migrants from all over Europe to combine best practices and to use synergy effects to develop a holistic pedagogical strategy for successful inclusion. On this basis, different modules and a toolkit for practical use will be developed with the aim of making young people active members of civil societies and providing them with a successful pathway into working life. At the same time, teachers will be supported to better deal with diversity and integration and to learn from each other on a European level.

The participants exchanged about the working packages` state of play. In detail they discussed about the so far developed modules, templates and materials. Another topic was the translations of projects` results, administrative issues and the state of play of dissemination activities. Finally the Transnational Project Meeting in Lille, France was prepared.

Marina Kittler - 10:35:33 @ Allgemein | Kommentar hinzufügen

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