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The Department for EU Projects in Vocational Education (EU-GES) is cooperating in the ERASMUS+ project PROmote DIGitalisation for Education & training (PRODIGE).
On 26th October 2022 the 30 participants of the group plus several additional participants from the school Fomal - Fondazione Opera Madonna del Lavoro that hosted the meeting this day met in Bologna.
Topic of the day, afterwards getting acquainted to the school, have been the tools that innovate the internationalization of learning and digitalize the activities concerning the physical mobilities of VET learners and its preparation, monitoring and follow up.
In addition we evaluated the digital Hoster platform, that enables potential hosts to prepare for hosting students and pupils from abroad. There was also an exchange with hosts who had the experience of real exchanges in the framework of the project. They reported about the exchanges, experiences and amendments.
By evaluating the presented instruments and tools the participants discussed the approach and gave advice for practical use and discussed amendments. The agile approach Event Storming was used.
EUGES - 22:46:43 @ Allgemein | Kommentar hinzufügen
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