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The Department for EU Projects in Vocational Education (EU-GES) is associated partner in the ERASMUS+ project Pedagogy and Learning in agile Networks - Design Thinking and Scrum at schools as places of learning processes (PLAN).
Berufskolleg Siegburg is running the KA 2 project with partners from France, Italy, Spain and Sweden. EU-GES participated in the Learning Teaching Training Activity (LTTA) in Bari, Italy from 17th till 19th October 2023.
On 17th October the project partners have been welcomed by the headmaster of the hosting school Liceo Linguistico e Istituto Tecnico Economico Statale MARCO POLO. Furthermore we got an introduction of Prof. Michele Baldassarre, University of Bari, with the topic Technology for Engaging and Innovative Education to get an entry in the content of the LTTA.
With a knowledge box the needs for learning and existing knowledge have been asked from the audience.
The workshops in the morning and afternoon focused on the topics Explainer Videos, E-Books, Escape Rooms and Podcasts as tools to be developed by using the scrum approach and the method of design thinking.
In a first step every tool was revised with the method of wise crowds consultation to collect tipps concerning the efficiency and limitations of the respective tool. The integration of Artificial Intelligence in the respective tools was also topic of the workshops.
By an emotional journey focusing on every tool the user experience – as one step of the design thinking process – was done. Thinking from the users perspective is the most vital step in the beginning.
EUGES - 09:17:13 @ Allgemein | Kommentar hinzufügen
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