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EU-GES Project IN-DI - Inclusion and Diversity in all Fields of Education – Multiplier Event in Geschwister-Scholl-Berufskolleg Leverkusen

The Department for EU Projects in Vocational Education (EU-GES) is cooperating in the ERASMUS+ project Inclusion and Diversity in all Fields of Education (In-Di). EU-GES and two vocational schools from the Cologne District presented the results of the project to an interested audience. Over 30 teachers of vocational schools have been reached via this Multiplier Event and an additional online conference. On 15th December we have been in Geschwister-Scholl-Berufskolleg Leverkusen. The VET center hosted us.
The results of the project have been presented via Padlet to the audience. The teachers have been informed about the results of the survey the consortium did amongst students with needs for inclusion. In a second step the teachers could test good practice tools that have been collected in the project. Furthermore the teachers have been informed about possibilities to send their students with needs for inclusion abroad. The teachers have been very motivated afterwards the Multiplier Event. All of them would like to participate in an ongoing working group on this topic and would like to add more good practice tools and exchange about them. EU-GES is ready to support this process and will moderate the working group in the future.

EUGES - 12:56:52 @ Allgemein | Kommentar hinzufügen

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