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EU-GES starts cooperation with Maison Familiale Rurale du Bergeracois (MFR) and three vocational colleges of the district Cologne Government Regional Office

The Department for EU Projects in Vocational Education (EU-GES) has invited representatives from three vocational colleges of the district Cologne Government Regional Office. Vocational College An der Lindenstrasse, Cologne (Berufskolleg An der Lindenstraße); Vocational College Siegburg (Berufskolleg Siegburg) and Vocational College Economy and Administration Aachen (Berufskolleg WV Aachen) and as French partner MFR.
On 20th October 2022 participants of the meeting met in Vocational College An der Lindenstrasse, Cologne to exchange about future common projects. Representatives of the school presented their institution also by visiting the school building and classes.
All participants presented their institutions, their European experience and their wishes and needs for future cooperation.
By moderation of EU-GES the participants exchanged about common and possible kinds of cooperation. First concrete proposals have been done.
The aim of The Department for EU Projects in Vocational Education /  EU-Geschäftsstelle – Bezirksregierung Köln, wants to motivate vocational colleges in the district to cooperate with French partners and to extent the cooperation with France. An welcome instrument is the cooperation of several German vocational colleges to exchange expertise and experiences and furthermore to share workload.

EUGES - 09:12:16 @ Allgemein | Kommentar hinzufügen

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