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The Department for EU Projects in Vocational Education (EU-GES) has invited representatives from three vocational colleges of the district Cologne Government Regional Office. Vocational College An der Lindenstrasse, Cologne (Berufskolleg An der Lindenstraße); Vocational College Siegburg (Berufskolleg Siegburg) and Vocational College Economy and Administration Aachen (Berufskolleg WV Aachen) and as French partner MFR.
On 21st October 2022 participants of the meeting met in Vocational College Economy and Administration in Aachen to further work on the yesterday developed first ideas for cooperation. Representatives of the school presented their institution also by visiting the school building and classes. Special focus was on a class working on an E-Twinning project.
There was a very positive and clear wish for further and closer cooperation.
The participants agreed on the following steps and these are the concrete results of the meeting.. Preparatory visits of three representatives of the German vocational colleges in spring 2023 to MFR in a Job-Shadowing mobility to get acquainted to MFR and its background. Beside the job-Shadowing and by moderation of EU-GES and MFR preparation of a 15 students mutual OFAJ-Mobility in autumn 2023. The participants will work on the topic “marketing”. First ideas are developed.
Furthermore the German schools and MFR will inform each other and later cooperate in the existing E-Twinning project of Vocational College Economy and Administration in Aachen.
There is also the wish of longer exchanges of students and teachers on the long term.
The Department for EU Projects in Vocational Education / EU-Geschäftsstelle – Bezirksregierung Köln, promotes this approach as a pattern for other cooperations in the field of German-French cooperation, and beyond that.
EUGES - 09:12:47 @ Allgemein | Kommentar hinzufügen
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