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EU-Geschäftsstelle Köln in Cologne – Project Prodige - PROmote DIGitalisation for Education & training – Final presentations and adaptations of results

The Project-Prodige-Team disseminated in several Multiplier Events and in several countries the project results. In this meeting the 3 project results have been presented with their amendments and feedback was analyzed and final adaptions and recommendations have been integrated, also from the present audience. Furthermore the quality and dissemination activities have been presented and analyzed. 

The specific objectives of the project are:
1. To innovate the internationalisation of learning and to digitalize some of the activities concerning the physical mobilities of VET learners and its preparation, monitoring and follow up

2. To build a capacity to implement tailor made, safer and higher quality international learners’ mobility experiences enhancing cooperation between VET schools and families

3. To increase teachers’ competences to develop Internationalisation at Home (I@h) activities and to deal with virtual and blended mobility
PRODIGE will allow 6 partners from 5 different EU countries to work together for 2 years with the common goal of strengthening the European dimension of VET centres which are strongly affected by the circumstances created by the COVID 19 pandemic.

EUGES - 22:07:04 @ Allgemein | Kommentar hinzufügen

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