The Department for EU Projects in Vocational Education (EU-GES) is associated partner in the ERASMUS+ project Pedagogy and Learning in agile Networks - Design Thinking and Scrum at schools as places of learning processes (PLAN).
Vocational college Berufskolleg Siegburg is running the KA 2 project with partners from France, Italy, Spain and Sweden. EU-GES participated in the Transnational Project Meeting in Caen, France, 23rd till 24th May 2024.
On 24th May the project partners worked inside the school of Caensup Sainte-Ursule in the city of Caen, France. The main topic of the second day of the meeting was how digital tools can be used and combined in the classroom to optimize learning success and ensure digital health.
The project team of course used agile working methods like Design Thinking Process and Scrum to exchange about developed results and ideas. The team reflected the in between results and planned the next steps for developing the prototypes for the lessons in the relevant classes.
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