The Department for EU Projects in Vocational Education (EU-GES) is cooperating in the ERASMUS+ project Inclusion and Diversity in all Fields of Education (In-Di).
EU-GES and two vocational schools from the Cologne District are cooperating with 16 colleagues from 6 EU countries on the Good Practice output of the project.
On 21st September we have been in Leverkusen. The Geschwister-Scholl-Berufskolleg hosted us. All countries worked on the national Good Practice examples and the structure and integration to a common approach and document. The consortium agreed on a pattern to present the ideas to a broader audience. We worked on this pattern. All Good Practice examples are related to the needs occurring from the pupils survey done in the project before. The examples are ready to support the students ability of learning by focusing the wellbeing of students and teachers with the aim of successful inclusion.
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