News aus der EU-GES


09.01.2024, 13:09

EU-GES Project IN-DI - Inclusion and Diversity in all Fields of Education – Multiplier Event in Geschwister-Scholl-Berufskolleg Leverkusen

The Department for EU Projects in Vocational Education (EU-GES) is cooperating in the ERASMUS+ project Inclusion and Diversity in all Fields of Education (In-Di). EU-GES and two vocational schools from the...   mehr

05.12.2023, 13:10

Kick-Off Meeting new project GeTinVET 27-28 Nov 2023: Berufskolleg nimmt die Klimaziele der Europäischen Union in den Fokus

Am 27./28. November fand das erste transnationale Projekttreffen des neuen Projektes GeTinVET im Energiekompetenzzentrum des Rhein-Erft-Kreises statt. Auf dem Treffen wurde der Grundstein für das Erasmus+...   mehr

24.10.2023, 13:13

EU-GES in Bari participating in the project PLAN

The Department for EU Projects in Vocational Education (EU-GES) is associated partner in the ERASMUS+ project Pedagogy and Learning in agile Networks - Design Thinking and Scrum at schools as places of...   mehr

24.10.2023, 13:12

EU-GES in Bari participating in the project PLAN – Day 2

The Department for EU Projects in Vocational Education (EU-GES) is associated partner in the ERASMUS+ project Pedagogy and Learning in agile Networks - Design Thinking and Scrum at schools as places of...   mehr

24.10.2023, 13:11

EU-GES in Bari participating in the project PLAN – Day 3

The Department for EU Projects in Vocational Education (EU-GES) is associated partner in the ERASMUS+ project Pedagogy and Learning in agile Networks - Design Thinking and Scrum at schools as places of...   mehr

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