Project meetings

Theme Kick-off-meeting

The Kick-off meeting of the THEME project took place on 26th-27th of November 2013 in Cologne. All partners agreed on the project's aims and objectives. An introduction and agreement on the work packages followed. For future cooperation concerning the project working groups were build.

Target audience: core partners
Time and place: November, 26th – 27th 2013, Cologne

2nd meeting Vicenza

The 2nd project meeting with all core partners took place at the Area Formazione Fondazione CENTRO PRODUTTIVITA' VENETO in Vicenza. On the first day of the meeting the main topic was the revision of the VQTS-Matrices and the development of partial competences in the different professional fields by each working group. On the second day of the meeting the results of the working groups were presented. An introduction to the design of the database, as well as a presentation of assessment tools followed. Afterwards the working groups engaged themselves in discussion, development and agreement on assessment tools. These results were presented at the end of the meeting, where also next steps were defined.

Target audience: Core partners
Time and place: 24th – 25th of March 2014, Area Formazione Fondazione CENTRO PRODUTTIVITA' VENETO, Vicenza

3rd meeting Barcelona

The third project meeting with all core partners took place in Barcelona and was organized by the Asociación Catalana Internacionalización del Talento (ACIT). During the first day of the meeting proposals on the project’s website were presented and discussed and the majority of the project partners agreed on one proposal. Another main topic for the day was the decision-making for a project flyer, which will be provided in all languages of the project partners.

Afterwards information on the database followed. The structure of the database was presented, discussed and some adoptions were proposed. It was noted that a statistic tool for the acquisition and development of the mobility rates will be included in the database. A training concerning the use of this database will take place in Cologne. Furthermore, the matrices with the partial competences were completed in the working groups. The consortium also came to an agreement on the final version of assessment tools for the mobilities.

On the second day of the meeting the ECVET documents and tools were presented and all partners agreed to use them for the mobilities planned. In this regard a workshop concerning the organization of mobilities for the teachers of the German Berufskollegs is planned and will take place in Cologne. At the end of the meeting the main topic was the organization of the internships. Fifty mobilities are aimed to test the developed tools. For this purpose the distribution of the final matrices to all partners is planned in the next steps.

Target audience: Core partners
Time and place: 3th – 4th of June, 2014 , Asociación Catalana Internacionalización del Talento (ACIT), Barcelona

4th meeting Maastricht

Presentation of the database and decision to modify its structure, its layout and its usability; Planning of future mobilities as well as the final report and conference.; Overview over the financial and administrative issues. Evaluation by external evaluator.

Target audience: Core partners
Time and place: 20th – 21st April, 2015, Maastricht, The Netherlands, ROC Leeuwenburgh”

Final conference

Presentation of project and results. Presentation of database, final report and the publicataions. Conclusion and prospectives. Final Meeting: Evaluation of all parts of the project. The partners will further work with the projects` results, expand the network towards EU regions and in the regional government and on regional and national level, take over the responsibility to forward and stimulate the process.

Target audience: Core partners (and externals at conference)
Time and place: 22nd to 23rd of September 2015, Cologne and Kerpen, Germany”